Speed Matters: Why Your Website Needs to Be Faster Than a Click

Don't Lose Customers to Slow Loading Times

- 2 minute read
Why Your Website Needs to Be Faster Than a Click

*Image by freepik

Here is how fast some of Malaysia's favourite websites load:

  1. The Star - 5.4

  2. xHamster - 9.5

  3. AirAsia - 5.0

  4. Jobstreet - 3.7

  5. Carlist.my - 3.2

Do you know how fast your website loads? Find out here.

Have you ever clicked on a link and felt like you were waiting for the digital equivalent of a slow-motion replay? Yeah, ain't nobody got time for that. Let's talk about why speed is your website's secret sauce for success.

In Malaysia, where the internet is as lively as a pasar malam, a staggering 47% of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less. That's right, 2 seconds! And if it takes longer? Well, 40% of those impatient souls will bounce off faster than you can say "refresh".

But hold your horses, we're not done yet. Mobile users are even less forgiving. In fact, 53% of them will ditch your site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load on their tiny screens. That's like trying to get a Grab in rush hour—you snooze, you lose.

Now, you might be thinking, "But I don't run an e-commerce site. Do these stats still apply to me?" They absolutely do. Whether you're a blogger, a news site, or even a cat video curator, speed matters. Why? Because it's not just about making sales; it's about keeping eyeballs glued to your content.

Plus, there's the Google factor. You know, the all-seeing Palantir of search engines? Well, they've openly admitted that site speed is a ranking factor. Translation? A faster site means a higher chance of snagging that coveted top spot on the search results page.

So, if you want to keep your visitors happy, your bounce rates low, and your SEO game strong, it's time to kick things into high gear. Because in the fast-paced world of the web, slow and steady does not win the race!

Soung and Felix.